Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Installing the BL-Touch on a Creality Ender 3-V2

- 8 minutes read time

It’s been a year since I’ve bought the Creality Ender 3 v2 3D Printer. Before that, I’ve made my first steps with the Dagoma Disco Ultimate, a French brand. The Disco Ultimate was nice, but it was a old model (despite being a new one for the manufacturer, it was still based on a old frame, the screen was an option I’ve had to buy because it’s very useful, and the build grip wasn’t durable) and I wanted to experiment new features like the heating bed.

Bientôt deux ans avec une imprimante 3D

- 10 minutes read time

Les imprimantes 3D me faisaient de l’œil depuis quelques temps et j’ai fini par sauter le pas en juillet 2019 en achetant la Dagoma Disco Ultimate alors dernière née de la gamme du fabricant Roubaisien. Proposée au tarif de 399.99€, il s’agit d’un kit à monter soit-même.