Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Good-bye VPS

- 4 minutes read time

This blog has been created in 2019, with its first post in French published in the end of December. Powered by Plume, a federated blogging tool (that seems to not be active anymore), it was hosted on a dedicated server I was renting at OVHCloud’s low-cost brand, So You Start.

The homepage lost some weight

- 2 minutes read time

Recently, I had the curiosity to check if this blog was not too heavy to load, because it’s something I don’t like to endure. So, I’ve checked on GTMetrix and the result was … 😱 The total page size was 27MB, that’s terrible.

Photo Blog is Back

- 2 minutes read time

Some times ago, I’ve made a photo gallery with Hugo and the AutoPhugo template. But I didn’t maintained it because I wasn’t really satisfied by the process behind. Recently, you may have seen I’ve done some photo report posts. As the format was close to what I expected for a Photo Blog, I’ve decided to create a separated blog with a more photo-friendly template that was still permit to do some narrative stuff.

Bumped Simple.css version

- 1 minutes read time

As you may know, this site use the Simple.css framework for its visual template. A new version of the framework was rolled out recently and is now live here. Because of the cache server behind this blog content, you could encounter some buggy display.

I've made some cleanup in this blog mess

- 3 minutes read time

It doesn’t seem like that, but this blog is 3 years old since past December. Indeed, the first article about the video game Factorio was published on December 19th 2019. At this moment, Garbage Collector was a Plume instance, because I was very curious about federated blogging tools and I wanted to have again my little corner on the Web to express my useless thoughts (it’s something I like since high school in early 2000’s - having useless thoughts and express them).

Joined Fediring

- 1 minutes read time

I’ve recently discovered the Fediring initiative, which is a webring for personal sites of Fediverse members. You can browse the ring by clicking on the Previous and Next buttons on the footer of each page of this blog. It’s nice to see how old Web ideas are still alive despite the permanent user lock-in inside the Big Tech online services.

No multilingual posts anymore

- 1 minutes read time

I was happy to setup Hugo’s multilingual support for this blog, but after a few articles written in both French and English, I’ve understood it’s not really fun to do it like this. I had the sentiment to always do the job twice and it took more time to write an article in both languages.

Moteur de recherche, liens, et changement de licence

- 1 minutes read time

Ce formidable et inutile petit blog continue d’évoluer petit à petit et quelques récents changements sont désormais en place. Moteur de recherche Pour faciliter la recherche d’informations sur ce site, un bouton “Rechercher” est désormais disponible en haut de l’écran. Ce n’est qu’un formulaire renvoyant vers le moteur DuckDuckGo.

Garbage Collector est désormais sur un stockage objet

- 2 minutes read time

Depuis quelques temps, j’ai entrepris de revoir comment héberger mes différents outils en ligne dans le but de réduire le temps passé à leur maintenance. Cela s’est récemment traduit par le fait que j’ai basculé de Nextcloud à kDrive. Nextcloud est un outil formidable que j’admire beaucoup, mais le maintient en conditions opérationnelles d’un serveur sur mon temps libre n’est plus vraiment ce qui m’emballe.

Garbage Collector fait peau neuve

- 1 minutes read time

Après avoir utilisé depuis son passage sur Hugo le thème Casper3, j’ai fini par vouloir faire celui qui corresponde au mieux à mes attentes en matière de thème visuel. J’ai donc passé quelques soirées dessus, n’ayant pas touché à du HTML et CSS depuis des années.

Garbage Collector gets a new skin

- 1 minutes read time

Following the migration to Hugo, I’ve used the Casper3 theme until then. Now I’ve wanted my own personal theme, and it’s done ! I haven’t written HTML and CSS code since a while, so after some evenings I came up with something I liked.