Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Manage your project documentation as Code

- 15 minutes read time

As an architect, the main product I deliver is a document named “Technical Architecture Document”. This document is basically a high level specification (not because it’s rocket science, it’s just a detailed global perspective) explaining how a software project will be implemented with the rest of the information system. And in most of the case, the template for this document is an Office suite-related document type such as a Microsoft Office document, or anything else.

What is GitOps ?

- 11 minutes read time

In my experience with the software delivery chain, we talk a lot about how the software is produced and delivered, but when it comes to make it live, the topic is less studied. Maybe that’s because the deployment is situated in the “Ops” domain of the DevOps timeline while the software production is on the “Dev” side. And we usually like to focus on Dev and less on Ops I suppose. Since I’ve mainly worked in the deployment part, I think it’s a very interesting topic because it’s one of the best examples to demonstrate how well the DevOps culture is implemented in a team or not. And one of the best examples in my opinion is the GitOps practice.

Signer ses commits Git avec PGP

- 5 minutes read time

Voici un petit article simple sur comment activer la signature de commits avec Git et PGP.

Ca veut dire quoi “signer ses commits” ?

Dans sa documentation, les auteurs de Git le disent eux-mĂȘme : “Git est cryptographiquement sĂ»r, mais pas infaillible”. Lorsqu’on rĂ©cupĂšre des objets en provenance d’Internet, une bonne pratique est de vĂ©rifier la signature cryptographique de ceux-ci. Souvent proposĂ©e sous la forme d’un hash ou checksum Ă  comparer, cette signature est une valeur permettant de certifier que l’objet rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© n’a pas Ă©tĂ© altĂ©rĂ© en chemin (attaque man in the middle, rĂ©Ă©criture des binaires Ă  la volĂ©e, corruption pas d’bol, etc).

Blog avec Hugo et publication automatisée

- 8 minutes read time

AprĂšs avoir mis en place mon nouveau blog avec le gĂ©nĂ©rateur Hugo, il m’avait fallu voir comment automatiser la publication. En effet, Hugo gĂ©nĂšre dans un dossier public/ les pages web statiques et celles-ci doivent ĂȘtre dĂ©posĂ©es sur un serveur web pour les prĂ©senter. Voici donc ce que j’ai construit rapidement pour qu’une publication soit aussi simple qu’un git commit; git push.