Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Telegram temporary blocked in France

- 3 minutes read time

The 13th of May, Telegram, a popular messaging application, got blocked by the French Government under the child abuse and terrorism fighting enforcement laws. Following their procedure, the Police requested the French ISP to block some URLs tagged as “child porn” as the law requires it.

GDPR : French ISP Free sanctioned for violations

- 5 minutes read time

On November 30th (link in French), la CNIL, the French personal data protection authority, sanctioned the French Internet Service Provider FREE for data security issues and not respecting the people rights granted by the GDPR. According to the more complete délibération (in French) published in the Journal Officiel de la République Française, the Authority received 41 complains between October 2018 and November 2019.

The CNIL GDPR learning workshop

- 4 minutes read time

If you’ve read some of this blog legal-related content, you may have seen that I’m pretty interested by the privacy protection. However, despite being myself informed of the legal context, I recognize I’ve never deeply learned the GDPR itself. Of course, my various readings about this topic (including my professional activities) made me learn some good basis, but that wasn’t enough.

The complex case of online age verification against privacy protection laws

- 14 minutes read time

La CNIL, or Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, is the French Administrative Authority competent for the personal data protection under the GDPR and national law perimeter. On July 26th, they published a study (link in French) about the online age verification regarding the adult restricted content on the Web, the existing solutions, their opinion, and their recommendation.

The Free Software licenses

- 13 minutes read time

Free Software licenses, here is a topic that could seems to be easy to understand, but not really when you go deeper in their details. Indeed, among the various existing licenses, the rights and obligations are not always the same and it’s always a nice debate topic among the communities to determine which one is the most “free license”.

Les lois françaises sur l'interdiction d'accès à la pornographie aux mineurs sont-elles bien écrites ?

- 10 minutes read time

C’est le cheval de bataille des groupes politiques et associatifs depuis toujours et un bon vieux démon qu’on aime haïr tout en refusant d’avouer qu’on en a tous consommé : la pornographie. Pourquoi j’en parle en ce début d’année ? Car depuis quelques mois, des procédures ont été initiées en France par le Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel pour bloquer 5 sites web pornographiques si ceux-ci ne se mettent pas en conformité avec la loi française.