Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Integrate your Mastodon feed on a Hugo-powered website

- 5 minutes read time

While I was working on a friend’s website made with Hugo, he asked me if I could integrate his Mastodon profile on the homepage. After a few research, I was surprised to see, or possibly because I couldn’t find it, that it wasn’t possible to create an integration of the user’s feed like you can have with other social media.

Don't get mistaken : Mastodon is not Twitter

- 8 minutes read time

It’s been everywhere on the news, following the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk, a #TwitterMigration movement spread in various Mastodon instances. A lot of new users registered on various instances during the last week (Fosstodon had + 5 000 new users in a week) and Mastodon’s developers told about over 655 thousands active users as a new record.

Why do I enjoy Fosstodon

- 5 minutes read time

I’ve joined Fosstodon since a little more than 2 years now. At this moment, I wasn’t into social medias and had none of them. I’ve discovered the power of the Fediverse with my former blog tool : Plume. Seeing some comments coming from Mastodon instances was fun an nice.