Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Misbrands : pip and npm

- 6 minutes read time

This new entry in the “misbrands” series will be about two packages managers : pip and npm. pip is the package installer for Python and npm is a registry and the default package manager for Node.js based softwares. This parody displays the npm logo with “pip” written inside instead of “npm”.

Misbrands : GitHub and GitLab

- 6 minutes read time

This third entry in our misbrands series will be about GitHub and GitLab, two famous code hosting (and other) services based on the Git SCM. This parodied version combine the GitHub name, written with the correct brand’s font, but associated with GitLab’s logo and with the same trademark layout.

Misbrands : Ubuntu and Debian

- 6 minutes read time

Our next entry in the misbrands series will be about Ubuntu Linux and Debian. This parodied logo is Debian’s, having “Ubuntu” written with the same font and disposed like Ubuntu’s. Unlike the previous article about Vim and Visual Studio Code that are two stand alone softwares with a similar purpose, Ubuntu shares a parent link with Debian.

Misbrands : Vim and Visual Code

- 4 minutes read time

A couple of weeks ago, thanks to the Developers Memes bot on Mastodon, I’ve discovered the Misbrands logos. And I’ve printed some of them to decorate my laptop 😁. Just as I could expect, some of my colleagues hated it, other loved it, and the rest didn’t understood.