Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Au carrefour des Ă©toiles - Way Station

- 3 minutes read time

Way Station, or Au carrefour des Ă©toiles in French, is an American science fiction novel written in 1963 by Clifford D. Simak. Enoch Wallace, veteran who fought during the American Civil War, was born in 1840. His life changed when he got suddenly recruited by an alien he named Ulysses (after the Ulysses S.


- 3 minutes read time

Alfie is a science fiction thriller novel written by French author Christopher Bouix, published in 2022. The story is told by Alfie, the artificial intelligence of a powerful home automation system. Alfie is an high-end AI-based home automation system made by AlphaCorp.

Who Goes There ?

- 2 minutes read time

Who Goes There ? is a 1938 science fiction horror book written by John W. Campbell. This novella got movies adaptation such as the famous John Carpenter’s The Thing in 1982. In French, the novel is entitled La Chose, which is the translation for “The Thing”.

The Space Trilogy

- 6 minutes read time

Following Childhood’s End, my exploration of Arthur C. Clarke books made me read three other works regrouped into a series entitled The Space Trilogy, which are Islands in the Sky, The Sands of Mars, and Earthlight, or Les Ăźles de l’espace, Les sables de Mars, and LumiĂšre cendrĂ©e in French.

Les murmures de la montagne de métal

- 4 minutes read time

English version As recently announced, I’m pleased to announce the forthcoming release of my new book entitled Echoes of the Metal Mountain. Part 1. Available in both French and English. Why ‘Part 1’? Because there will be a second part, of course!

Childhood's End

- 5 minutes read time

Childhood’s End, also known as Les Enfants d’Icare in its French translation, is a 1953 novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. Following 2001 : A Space Odyssey, this book was my number two in my Clarke works discover. And I wasn’t disappointed.

2001 : A Space Odyssey (novel)

- 7 minutes read time

2001 : A Space Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. It is the novelisation of the eponymous movie directed by Stanley Kubrick, also co-written by Clarke, developed concurrently and published after the theatrical release. Despite being written at the same time, the book differs from the theatrical movie because it’s based on early works.

Writing activites update : November 2023

- 6 minutes read time

Some news regarding my writing activities for this month ! Update : I’ve received my ISBN segment, all of my books are being republished with them. New upcoming books First of all, I’ve finished the English translation of La derniĂšre expĂ©dition (The last expedition).

La derniÚre expédition

- 2 minutes read time

English version below Aujourd’hui, je suis content de vous annoncer la publication d’une nouvelle histoire situĂ©e dans le mĂȘme univers que la prĂ©cĂ©dente. IntitulĂ©e “La derniĂšre expĂ©dition”, il s’agit du rĂ©cit d’un biographe et historien qui enquĂȘte sur la vie d’un grand explorateur et dĂ©couvre des zones d’ombre dans la biographie de ce dernier.

New story and English translation of my first book

- 4 minutes read time

In the beginning of September, I’ve published on various e-books platforms the first story I’ve wrote. I must admit I’ve took some pleasure to write this and I’m currently writing another one, set in the same universe. But first, I would like to send many thanks to the people who bought the books I’ve published since the beginning (including Linux Explained).

My first short story book

- 5 minutes read time

Today, I’ve submitted to Amazon Kindle store, Kobo, and also on my Ko-Fi shop (that I’ve also discovered I could use that, better later than never…) the first story I’ve wrote as a book. The Amazon and Kobo publications are under review and should be available after 72 hours maximum.