Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Terraform your CICD Toolchain : SonarQube

- 3 minutes read time

So, in the previous article we’ve Terraformed GitHub (that must hurt), so let’s continue with another tool commonly used in a CICD process : SonarQube. For a brief introduction in case you don’t know this tool, SonarQube (or SonarCloud for its SaaS version) is an open-source software published under LGPL v3 made for Static Code Analysis having both free and paid Enterprise plans.

Terraform your CICD Toolchain : GitHub

- 6 minutes read time

When you’re running and managing the CICD Toolchain of a big organization, you may want to establish some conventions and usage rules to avoid having to manage a big inconsistent mess. One possibility to avoid this, after you had established your various naming conventions and usages, is to use Terraform to maintain all of the objects constitutes your application projects.

Terraformer son serveur Proxmox

- 12 minutes read time

A la suite du malheureux incident vécu par OVH et ayant perdu mon serveur dédié durant celui-ci, j’ai du tout reconstruire. Le bon côté de cette mésaventure est que cela me permet de repartir sur une nouvelle base et de développer de nouvelles compétences.