Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

Something about commercial VPN Services : My concerns

- 14 minutes read time

In the previous article, I’ve exposed here the concept of a VPN, what’s happening when you using one, and what do the commercial services are offering. Now, I’ll explain why I don’t trust them, and why I won’t use them.

Something about commercial VPN services : What is a VPN ?

- 10 minutes read time

Last years, I’ve wrote a vulgarization article about the differences between a VPN and a Proxy (article in French). You may have noticed that the commercial VPN services are a common sponsor for the so-called social medias influencers. I have myself received various offers from various affiliation managers (I’m an influencer, yeay !

Différences entre VPN et Proxy

- 7 minutes read time

Cela n’aura échappé à personne, mais depuis quelques temps nous entendons souvent parler de VPN pour “contourner la censure” ou encore de “protéger son anonymat” sur Internet. Le tout vendu par les influenceurs des médias sociaux grâce au sponsoring de certains fournisseurs qui nous promettent monts et merveilles.