Garbage Collector

The little space of a writer, tinkerer, and a coffee addict

The blog has a new face ! (And other news)

- 4 minutes read time

The last time this blog got a new design, it was in October 2021. Old, based on SimpleCSS with custom parts, having not followed Hugo’s evolution, and my tastes changing, it was time to put some new paint here. The previous theme was mostly an enhancement of the first original one.

So, I've opened a small individual business

- 7 minutes read time

Last December, I’ve created a small indvidual enterprise regarding my writing side activities to declare my incomes aside from my main job. It’s a very simple status that does not require too much administrative formalities. Because in France, we love administrative formalities.

Free Culture or Culture for Free ?

- 3 minutes read time

A couple of years ago, I’ve wrote an article about the Free Software licenses. But, since I’ve started to write and sell ebooks online, I’ve noticed something I was already aware of. There is still a confusion between free and free.

Commissions are opened !

- 1 minutes read time

Following the release on GitHub of a new Hugo template I’ve made, I wanted to explore the opportunity to do something for someone. So, I’ve decided to open some commissions on Ko-fi. So far, three items are available : Make a Hugo template for your website Write a little story, 500 and 1000 words depending of the requested tiers Don’t hesitate !