No multilingual posts anymore

I was happy to setup Hugo’s multilingual support for this blog, but after a few articles written in both French and English, I’ve understood it’s not really fun to do it like this.
I had the sentiment to always do the job twice and it took more time to write an article in both languages. Also, the other limitation is the English part of this blog looked really empty comparing to the French one, giving a false sentiment of empty site. I also like writing in my native language because it’s easier to express my thoughts when it’s a personal topic.
So I’ve came up with another idea : I’ll will now write my technical articles (like how to and technical stuff) in English only and keep French for the personal stuff like videogames, travels, or various hobby reviews which I prefer to keep writing in my native language.
Also, the site is now only in English for the top menu and the articles because I mainly share my articles to an English-speaking community.
The only issue in this affair : I’ll break again all my links with the removal of the /fr/
in the URL 😆